MARK YOUR CALENDARS - 1 month left of summer break. This year, 6th graders will join our junior high and start with high school on Thursday, August 17th. Preschool -5th grade will start on Wednesday, August 23rd. School supply lists are updated on the school's homepage at
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Back to School Dates
Swimming Pool Transportation: July 13th - leaving @ 12:30 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Swim Bus
No Swimming Pool Transportation this week! Transportation will begin again next week, details to follow at a later date.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
No Swim Bus
DAY 2 Complete: Thanks to all the parents who brought their kids for two days of fun! Big kids (8th grade - seniors) continue with camp tomorrow starting at 9:00.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Volleyball Campers were hard at work learning fundamentals today. Please have your camper wear their shirts tomorrow so we can take some group pictures.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Peetz School Current Job Openings 2023-2024 School Year: Dishwasher, HS Girls Assistant Basketball Coach. For more information or to apply go to "Job Openings". Become a part of the Bulldog Family!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Job Postings
Friendly reminder: The volleyball camp is this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. A signed registration form, release, and payment are required on the first day of camp. Please contact me if you have any questions. I can’t wait to see all of the campers! ~Coach Leach
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Congratulations JH VB team!!
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
vb post
Swimming Pool Transportation: June 29th - leaving @ 12:30 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Swim Bus
Departure Time Changed to 1 PM. Swimming Pool Transportation: June 22nd - leaving @ 1 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Swim Bus
Tonight's school board meeting will be held in the commons.
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
Swimming Pool Transportation: June 22nd - leaving @ 12:30 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Toft
Swim Bus
HISTORY QUESTION: Most of the trees around the school have a story of why they were planted. Does anyone remember the history of this tree that was planted on the west side of the school by the football field? The tall one is dead and needs to be removed. It it would be nice to know the history.
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
Jr High Girls VB Open Gym schedule
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
vb open gym
Swimming Pool Transportation: June 15th - leaving @ 12:30 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Toft
Pool Bus
And just like that......the old superintendents house is gone
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
house being knocked down
house being knocked down
Swimming Pool Transportation: June 8th - leaving @ 12:30 PM, returning @ 4:45 PM. Drop off & pick up at the Peetz Park due to school construction. Open to the community, kids younger than 10 must have a parent or chaperone. Call Theresa if you plan to ride 970-466-4557. Transportation only (Sterling Rec Center), individuals are responsible for their own pool admission.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Toft
Swimming Pool Transportation
PLAN AHEAD: SRMC is again offering FREE Sports Physicals. These will be from 1-5pm on May 17th, 24th, June 7th, 14th, July 12th, 19th, 26th, August 2nd, 9th, 16th. Appointments preferred, please call today to schedule yours. (308)254-5544. #SRMC #sports #sportsphysicals
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
Free Sports Physicals
🏀🏀Peetz Junior High Girls (6th-8th Grade) interested in basketball, we will be having open gym from 5:30pm-7pm on Wednesday nights for the month of June (June 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th). Please reach out to Stacy Schumacher at (308)-249-4270 with any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
Jr high basketball
Congrats Rhyder, Chance and Noah!
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Raffelson
oT sportschel