2022-23 YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION: Pick up purchased yearbooks on Aug 24, 12:30 PM, small gym. We have a small number of extra copies available for $18.00 for those who missed the sale last year. Limited quantities available.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
yearbook distribution
SPORTS TEAM DINNERS: The Bulldog Benchwarmers will be hosting a team dinner for the high school football and volleyball teams on August 30th at 6:00 in the commons. If you would like to donate items for the Taco Bar, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Jdx1QbKEGM1LRuom6
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Taco Bar
KEEP FLOORS NICE: Kindly refrain from wearing shoes on any of the gym floors to help us maintain the pristine condition of our school environment. Our dedicated maintenance team invests significant effort into upkeeping the appearance and functionality of our facilities for the benefit of our students and the community. Due to the presence of a gravel parking lot, there is a concern about small rocks and pebbles adhering to shoes and potentially causing scratches on the gym floor. Moving forward, we kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that no shoes are worn on either of the gym floors unless they are exclusively designated as physical education (PE) or sports shoes that have not been worn outdoors on gravel. It's important that these shoes are solely reserved for gym activities and are kept clean and free from dirt, gravel, or stones. For the elementary school PE students, we ask that they have a separate pair of shoes dedicated to PE, which will be kept at school and exclusively used for indoor PE activities. Your understanding and support in this matter will greatly contribute to maintaining the quality of our school environment. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
no shoes
SEND A CARD: After a brief stay in the hospital, Marlin Michaels is recuperating at a rehabilitation center in Greeley. If you have been a student on Marlin's bus over the years or know Marlin, please send him a card to cheer him up. Marlin has been a fixture as a bus driver for many years. Marlin Michaels - A147, C/O Grace Pointe Continuing Care Senior Campus, 1919 68th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634. He would love to receive mail and cards.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Marlin Michaels
2023-2024 Bulldog Booster Passes now available! See attached flyer for details. Contact the office for more information or to purchase a pass 970-334-2361.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Booster Passes
Please see the attached parking and traffic map for the 2023-2024 school year. The commons entrance will be used as the main entrance and all parking will be on the west side of the school.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Parking Map
FREE FREE FREE: Library books are available in the new bus barn. Last day to pick through the books is tonight (Tuesday, 8/15).
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT TONIGHT! k-5 will be from 4:00-6:00. 6th and 7th will have orientation from 5:30-7:00 and 8th-12th from 6:30-8:00. Bring in your school supplies, locker supplies and come meet your teachers. Bulldog Benchwarmers will have some fun events. Please park on the WEST side of the school by the football/baseball field and enter in the common's door(by the steps). This will be our normal school entrance this year with the building construction going on.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Back to School
REMINDER: The Plateau School District RE-5 will have three Board of Education positions open for elections in November 2023. Petitions are available for pick up in the school's office and must be turned in by September 1st.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
2023 Election Pic
FREE FREE FREE: Library books and some furniture are available. The books are in the new bus barn and the furniture is on the west side of the school under the pavilion. These will be available from 8-3:30 weekdays through next Tuesday. Please come take a look. Tracy Jones and Joanne Roelle have worked hard to weed out books in preparation for the move to the new library space.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Free items
Free items
Free items
Free items
Free items
Free items
Peetz School Parking: All staff, students and visitors please park on the north side of the school (Main Street) August 9th-11th. The construction crew will be reworking the west parking lot and it will be unavailable for use.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Exciting progress is underway as we build the future of education at Peetz School, one brick (or footer) at a time! 🏫🔨 #BuildingBulldogsFutures
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Building construction
Building construction
Building construction
Building construction
Building construction
HUGE THANK YOU TO Catfish's Kicks for Kids and Jake Curlee's family. Our Bulldogs will be running and remembering Jake's love of his classmates and fine shoes. If you know of someone who could benefit from Jake's love of shoes, please fill out the form on their website. https://kicksforkids.webador.com/
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
Peetz FB
Peetz FB
FALL SPORTS KICKOFF: High school volleyball and football teams started their practices today. The first game will be HS Volleyball on Aug 24th vs Fleming at Peetz along with Jr High VB and FB. HS Football team will travel to Kiowa on Aug 25th for their debut. Make sure you keep updated with the sports schedules on our calendar at https://www.peetzschool.org/page/full-month-calendar
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
HS Volleyball team
HS Football team
Football practice
HS Volleyball practice
Early Childhood Services - Logan, Phillips & Sedgwick Counties - upcoming events.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
ECCLPS events
ECCLPS Training
6-12 SCHEDULES: To view your class schedules, please log into peetzhs.getalma.com. If you dont' know your password, there is a "Forgot password" option at the bottom of the login screen. If you don't remember your username, please email raffelsonl@peetzschool.org.
over 1 year ago, Leslie Raffelson
blank class schedule list
REMINDER: Sports physicals need to be completed and turned in for all students in 6th-12th grades participating in athletics this school year. This must be done before athletes are permitted to practice and play in games. Fall sports practice for high school starts August 7th and junior high starts August 17th. Use the link below for a copy of the physical form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rbNpt46DxGVOzZSC0T6YKBydqeoKf6G3/view?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Peetz Plateau School will have three Board of Education positions open for election in November 2023. Candidates can obtain a Notice of Intent and Petition from the school’s office beginning August 9th between the hours of 8am-3:30pm. These forms must be completed and returned to the school's office by September 1st at 3:30pm. For more information call the school office at 970-334-2361.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
BOE Election Info
BOE Flyer
Peetz School construction has been moving along nicely. Cement work has commenced!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Cement Started
Swimming Pool Transportation has concluded for the summer. Thank you swimmers for riding and Theresa for driving!
over 1 year ago, Ashley Toft
Swim Bus Concluded