YEARBOOKS ON SALE! LIMITED SUPPLIES! Order your 2022-2023 Yearbook now. First come, first serve. The yearbook covers the entire school year, preschool - seniors, clubs, organizations, and athletics. Will be delivered in August 2023. ORDER ONLINE at https://memorybook.com/online-pay/parent-pay/ School CODE: 193510 Standard yearbook $16, personalized yearbook $25. Orders close on May 15th.

GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY! Come join us on Friday, May 5th at 2:30. Ceremony will start at the front of the school in the parking lot next to the playground. Cake following the ceremony in the cafeteria for all that attend. We are excited to kick off our busy summer of construction for our new school!

HS League Track Meet Wednesday, May 3rd at Wray. Bus leaves at 6:30am

District Baseball Tuesday, May 2nd at Haxun. Peetz plays Merino at 10am. Bus leaves at 7:30am.

Peetz FFA Chapter Banquet Monday, May 1st in the small gym.

HS Track Meet Saturday, April 29th at Akron. Bus leaves at 7:30am. The schedule is listed below.

3-12 instrumental concert will be available on Facebook and on NFHS starting at 7:00 tonight. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/peetz-high-school-peetz-co/evt9c2ba1603e No subscription required for this event on NFHS.

Reminder: NHS Ice Cream Social Friday following the 3-12 instrumental concert. $1 a scoop.

4-6th FIELD TRIP to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science is on n Monday, May 1st.
Please read the note from the teachers:
In order to get the full experience, we will leave early and return late. Busses will run at their normal times, so students must be dropped off at the school by a parent or guardian. Please drop your child off at the front of the school by 7:15am. We will leave at 7:30 am sharp! We will stop in Sterling at Cecillia’s Kitchen’s parking lot around 8:00 am to pick up students who live in Sterling. We will be on a tight schedule. Unfortunately, if students are late, they will not be able to attend the field trip!
We will return to Sterling between 4:30-5:00 pm and to Peetz between 5:00-5:30 pm. We will allow students to call or text home with updates about our location and status. Please be ready to pick up your child promptly.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Thank you,
Mrs. Honstein, Mrs, Weber, and Mrs. Foos

Jh Track Meet Thursday, April 27th at Merino. Bus leaves at 7:5am.

YEARBOOKS ON SALE! LIMITED SUPPLIES! Order your 2022-2023 Yearbook now. First come, first serve. The yearbook covers the entire school year, preschool - seniors, clubs, organizations, and athletics. Will be delivered in August 2023. ORDER ONLINE at https://memorybook.com/online-pay/parent-pay/ School CODE: 193510 Standard yearbook $16, personalized yearbook $25. Orders close on May 15th.

GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY! Come join us on Friday, May 5th at 2:30. Ceremony will start at the front of the school. Cake following the ceremony in the cafeteria for all that attend. We are excited to kick off our busy summer of construction for out new school!

Please DO NOT use the school's dumpsters for personal waste. These are not provided by the town. We have had multiple instances of items being placed in the school dumpsters (posts, yard clean up, wire, moving waste) and it prevents our maintenance staff from being able to dispose of the waste from the school. Thank you

HS Baseball at Sedg Co(Ovid) Tuesday, April 25th. Double hitter.

NHS Ice Cream Social Friday following the 3-12 instrumental concert. $1 a scoop.

Jh Track Meet Monday, April 24th at Leyton. Bus leaves at 7:30am. The schedule is listed below.

Congratulations to 2023 Americanism Essay Contest winners:
Chance Segelke 1st 11th-12th grade
Natalie Adels 1st 9-10th grade
Janda Ommen 1st 7-8th grade
Dylan Wagner 2nd 7-8th grade
Lily Howell 3rd 7-8th grade

Prom tomorrow night!

GOLD AND BRONZE! On Wednesday 4/19, two members of the Peetz FFA chapter traveled to NJC to compete in the Colorado FFA District 16 speaking contest. Both Jacob and Lyle presented a prepared speech about a topic affecting Colorado agriculture. Out of all the speakers, Jacob finished in the bronze category and Lyle finished in the gold category. Lyle finished 1st overall in the contest and will be representing Peetz FFA at the Colorado FFA State Convention in June. Congratulations to both of our speakers!

HS Track @ Wray, Thursday, April 20. Bus leaves at 9:15.