POSTED 6/4/2020
Summer Activities:
Athletes and coaches will soon be allowed to convene at school over the summer. In order to participate in those activities, parents and students must fill out the linked document. Look for communication from your coaches in regards to specific start days and activities. We are excited to see our students again!
POSTED 5/4/2020
Dear Bulldog Family,
It is time to bid farewell to the 19-20 school year. We thank all of you for staying #BULLDOG STRONG throughout our forced closure and distance learning. Please follow the link below to access the information regarding the retrieval of personal items and the return of school items. We have scheduled three days during the week of May 11th to accomplish this goal. We look forward to seeing your faces next week, even if at a distance. Enjoy the start of summer and if you have any questions, email
Map for locations
POSTED 4/2/2020
Peetz School will provide five days of lunches for all Peetz students (Pre K - 12th grade) every Monday at no charge for those families that sign up. Pickup in Peetz and drop off in the Sidney area will be available every Monday during our closure. Please specify those options in the form located below. Check your emails for further information from the school.
How do I sign up for meals for my child? (Please sign up by Wednesday for the next Monday delivery)
POSTED 3/25/2020
Where do I pickup materials?
Have questions about the Distance Learning Plan?
Description of Distance Learning Plan
Need to contact a teacher?
What are the teachers Office Hours?
POSTED 3/23/2020
Dear Bulldog Family,
We know the last two weeks have been a challenge for you and your students as our District developed our Distance Learning Plan moving forward. In order to protect the health of our staff and their families and to follow the Public Health Orders, we have had limited access to the building over the last two weeks. Today March 23, 2020 the Staff and Administration met via an online portal to establish expectations of staff and students for the next three weeks while we are on this mandated shutdown. We feel confident that we can continue to serve the educational needs of our students and your desires that your child continues to learn while they are out of our building.
Our teachers are currently developing course materials that will span the next three weeks. Materials may be in hard copy packets or delivered through Schoology depending on their level in school. Your child’s teacher will be in contact with you directly concerning the specific expectations and desires for your child's learning outcomes. There will be scheduled teacher office hours posted soon for parents and students to communicate with your teacher each week. These will be specific times that teachers will be available but feel free to email your teachers outside these times if you have questions as well. Please refer to the lists below for specifics concerning the grade level of your child. Thank you for your patience and understanding in these unprecedented times.
Pre K thru 3rd Grade:
Essential list of materials for parents
Packets that include review and enrichment activities
Online resources for practice
4th thru 6th Grade:
Essential list of materials for parents
Review and Enrichment activities
Packets and/or Schoology
Online activities for student practice
7th thru 12th Grade:
Essential list of materials for parents
Delivery of content will be through Schoology
Review and enrichment activities
Traditional course content
Saturday March 28, 2020 8 AM to 1 PM
Procedure for pickup will be released on our website